Monday, May 23, 2011

Chicken Sausage Experience

Yes, I've decided to attempt another blog.  This one will be less about words and more about pictures.  You see, I love trying new things in the kitchen and then I photograph them so that I remember if it was good or not so good.  My photography is not great and the lighting will probably be terrible.  Don't judge me because I really don't care.  It would be a waste of your time.  Though constructive criticism regarding the food is welcomed. Consider this a food diary of sorts.  With that being said, here is a dish I tried today.
Baked chicken/spinach/feta sausage

I've been wanting to try these chicken sausage for a while.  I was actually looking for a particular brand but wonder of all wonders, they don't sell them here.  So, I had to settle on the store brand and this was the only flavor available.  I baked them (I don't have a grill) until they were slightly brown (30-40 minutes). After they were cooled, I sliced them.

My random ingredients
I buy my couscous from the bulk bins and use leftover containers to store my grains (see snazzy label). With the exception of a couple of items, I buy store brand as I do like saving money.  I sauteed some onions in about a teaspoon of olive oil in my nonstick pan.  Veggies are tossed in and seasonings added.  I gave them a few minutes to steam and then added the sliced sausage. Once my broccoli was fork tender, it was done.  I topped the prepared couscous with the mixture.  I have to say it was pretty darned good.  I would like to try it with a different chicken sausage once I actually find another flavor.  I'm going to grade this one a 6 on a scale of one to ten.

The finished product in a recycled frozen meal container.